Monday, March 23, 2009

And yet a few more pics,,,,

I couldn't load all the pics in the first blog, so here are the rest. Josh Sears and Tyler Appleby are at the top and last but not least, Logan Gregg.
I couldn't help but throw in one of my grand daughter Lily Faith,,,:)

A few more pics of the guys

Nathan Wheeler is the sports information director at RLC. He sent the following pics so that I could post them on this blog.
From top to bottom are : Jared Butler, Micah Duncan and Joel Harrison, Cesar Garcia, Andy Jerome, and my fearless assistant Vimal Patel or as he is known by the guys,,,Coach V!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Scrimmage on Tuesdays

This Tuesday, March 10, we will have "open field" on the RLC soccer pitch starting at 5:00 p.m and going until dark. We will have "open field" every Tuesday (except March 17th that's Spring Break) unless you hear different from me. I've invited all the guys that I've signed and a few other guys in order to get 22 so we can go 11v11. Bring your shin guards, and let's enjoy some time outside with this warmer weather.

If any of you guys at RLC are free during the day on Monday, I could use some help lining the field. I should be on campus by 10:00 a.m.